Tuesday, July 7, 2009

What Matters Most

I have been blessed! I mean it...ridiculously blessed. Those of you that know me may or may not be aware of that, but I dare say that your perspective on my life might be a little different if you knew that:
  • I have moved so many times that it exceeds both hands to count
  • I have seen my father crushed twice - by a falling tree & a concrete beam
  • I have a family member who is partially disabled from an accident
  • I have watched my family lose everything in a bank foreclosure
  • I have two family members who have had to deal with life-threatening tumors
  • I have watched a large portion of our farm burn to the ground (as a teen)
  • I have undergone multiple back surgeries - all before the age of 40
  • I have wrestled with life & death more times than I can count
  • I have survived a totalled vehicle when we could have all been dead
  • And there's more (just not here today)

I list those things because sometimes it's easy to look at any given person and think, "Wow - they've got it made!" and have little or no idea as to what their lives really look like...you know, out of the public eye. It's far too easy to assume that because someone's life looks good, that it has been easy. The simple fact is that one of the biggest lessons I've learned in my life is that everyone has a story (and often it's an amazing one that is just waiting to be told and heard).

Those of you who frequent this blog might remember that I had the opportunity to "get away" like I've never done before, spending a week with family in the Caribbean. What you don't know is that last week I also got to spend some wonderful days with the rest of my family in Indiana.

And as I've paused and reflected on both first-rate experiences, I have been overwhelmed with the fact that I have been blessed! Not necessarily with the things you might first think of, but with the things that matter most. No, my life has been far from easy (just like yours), but in spite of all the trials, pains & fears, it has been good!

Part of me wishes that I could give you a secret formula for enjoying this "good life" but a much more real part is glad that I cannot, because frankly, if this blessing had been dependent upon my own skills, abilities or merits, it would have been forfeited long ago! No, it has nothing to do with what I deserve and everything to do with whom I serve...the Lord Jesus Christ (I guess you might argue that He is the formula).

Now some would say, "But if you serve Him, why has He let all these things happen to you?" And the truth is, I don't know (at least not fully - some things maybe never). But what I do know is that no matter what has come my way, He has always been faithful to provide me what I need (not what I want, thankfully, for my wants are too often misinformed).

He has blessed me with many deep friendships, always placing people around me who have loved me, prayed for me and encouraged me. He has given me opportunities to see His working as He transformed lives every place I have been. He has given me a family I don't deserve: a beautiful wife of almost 24 years, 3 amazing kids (after we were declared "infertile"), and 2 sets of parents who model Christ to me unwaveringly. He has spared me when I was foolish, forgiven me when I was rash, healed me when I was broken, and restored me when I despaired. On top of all that, there are inumerable things I have not had to endure!

I'm sure that you don't have all the things your heart desires (just like me), but if you'll pause, even for a moment, I believe you'll find that even the roughest journeys have been blessed with so many of the things that matter most...the things we need. I pray that even in this moment, you will have a fresh realization of the goodness of God. Not because you've got it all, but because He's been faithful to give you what you need. Trust His promise today from 2 Corinthians 9:8, "And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work."