Wednesday, September 22, 2010

"Good" Or "Godly"?

"The true expression of Christian character is not in good-doing, but in God-likeness. If the Spirit of God has transformed you within, you will exhibit divine characteristics in your life, not just good human characteristics. God’s life in us expresses itself as God’s life, not as human life trying to be godly."
Oswald Chambers

I confess that this thought from Oswald Chambers brought me up a little short - as it should - and has caused me to do a great deal of "pondering" over the last few days...maybe it will do the same for you?

There is an enormous emphasis in our culture today on "good-doing," manifested in countless ways by many highly visible people. But for the Christian, while admirable, this is not enough. We dare not be only good humans exhibiting good human characteristics.

Think about it: many people can give good things to others, but only the Christian, by definition, can give Christ, and thus the things that go with Him. So what is the difference between "good characterisitcs" and "divine" ones?

Scripture makes it clear that, "the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness & self control" (Galatians 5:22-23). These don't come by being a "good human" but from having the Holy Spirit's transforming power working in us.

For my own thinking, I did a little "re-phrasing" of this list, and have come to believe that the non-negotiable "divine" characteristics for the Christian are:
  • Unconditional Love
  • Irrepressible Joy
  • Irrational Peace
  • Unlimited Grace & Forgiveness
  • Unrelenting Compassion
  • Sacrificial Generosity
  • Consistent Self-Control

That does not mean that we have these mastered, but that they are "divine" characteristics that should be growing in both quantity and quality in our lives. No amount of being a "good human" will accomplish these - only God's Spirit in us can.

Now, the moment of truth: Am I known only as a "good human" or as "God-like" in the characteristics of my life? God forbid that after my life is lived, all that anyone will be able to say is, "Kirk was a good person." No, I cannot settle for anything less than to be like Christ Himself, full of divine characteristics that no one can explain away and that draw others to Him! How about you?