Well...he's gone...at least from this earth. On Good Friday morning at approximately 9:32 a.m., my wife's (Tonya's) father (Bob) ended his existence here and began his new one in eternity with the Savior he could "only imagine" until that moment. Nearly unconscious his last 48 hours, the tears at his passing were a genuine combination of grief and relief. Thanks for all the prayers and support!
But what a marvelous day to be welcomed home by the Savior! Good Friday will never be the same for us again, as each passing year will prove to be a double reminder of God's goodness: in giving His Son for us and in giving us Bob Appleman - father, husband, grandfather and man of God - for his 81 years (about 48 in our collective memories as his kids and grandkids).
O sure, I cried - God made us that way - but the grief was short-lived as every single preparation for the Easter holiday (and they were multitudinous - had to spellcheck that word) reminded me that, as a good friend shared with me years ago, "as believers, we never say 'Goodbye' - only 'See you later!'" I am so grateful for the godly heritage he was intent on modeling, as it gave me an incredible wife, and thus, some great kids!
With the memorial service pending for this Friday, I am sure that there will be tears again; but I am also sure that they will not rule the day. No, there is far too much to celebrate for grief to have the upper hand! We will remember, laugh, be touched, learn again and count ourselves blessed for the life of this one single man...and eagerly look forward to the day when we will be reunited again - not just in hope, but in certainty! Do you have that certainty??? I pray so!!!