As I’m sure you are all aware, there is a battle raging in our government right now (yes, another one). While there's always something being contested, the largest right now is healthcare. Now, relax…this is not going to be a political message! Why has it taken so long to get something done? One of the biggest challenges has been the struggle with Abortion. This is not a Republican and Democrat issue, but one which tests the heart and soul of every person. It is a deeply emotional, personal and important issue. Don't worry, I'm not going to try and tell you where you should land on this topic. But I do believe it’s important that we wrestle a bit with what the stance of the believing Body of Jesus Christ should be on this.
If you asked a pregnant 16-year-old about the response she expects to receive from any given local church, what do you think she’d say? More than likely, nothing too flattering. Why? Then I guess it’s pretty important that we get figured out, once and for all, if the Church’s view aligns with the view of Jesus Christ, huh? This is definitely the more important question!
As a “pro-life” pastor, I value you…young, old, male, female, rich, poor, farmer, doctor, housewife, sinner and saint. Why? Because God values you! Why? Because you are a special work of His creation. On this 37th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, with over 55 million innocent lives ended via abortion, it is imperative that as God’s children we are also “pro-life.” Now before you get all worked up about my statement, I’m not talking about how the media portrays it…it’s not that simple.
Right now, it is legal in this country for any woman to end any pregnancy at any time for any reason. As much as that grieves me, what’s interesting is that I have yet to speak with what we call a “pro-choice” person who is “pro-death” (the logical flipside of “pro-life”). No one wants people to die! No one wants the life of another to end. And when it comes right down to it, any time a life & death decision has to be made, even when it is determined to be the right thing to do, it is incredibly painful, heart-rending and life-impacting…for everyone involved!
Now, back to our 16-year-old. Let’s say that this girl walks into your church or youth meeting... how would you respond? More importantly, how would Jesus respond?
First, I believe it’s vitally important to understand just how much He loves life; the life found in each one He has created: Psalm 119:13-16 & 1 John 3:1 make this crystal clear! This means Jesus loves even our pregnant 16-year-old…especially her! In the midst of her fear, turmoil, pain, anxiety and aloneness, He loves her as much as ever…perfectly…and will never turn His back on her!
Second, the Christ-like life should always be marked by grace and compassion. Take a moment to look up an amazing story from Jesus’ life and this, too, will be crystal clear. See what you find in John 8:3-11. Not only does Jesus love this woman in her sin, He is the only one who loves her…maybe the only One who ever truly had!
Third, note that this is not a wishy-washy, do-whatever-you-want, walk-all-over-me kind of love. It’s a love that asks, expects and demands the best from us. What are Jesus’ parting words to this woman? “Go now and leave your life of sin.” We, as the Body of Christ, must never cease to call people away from sin and towards the life that can only be found in Him; loving, nurturing, teaching & directing as we travel this road together.
1 Corinthians 13:4-7, puts this perfectly: Love is very patient and kind, never jealous or envious, never boastful or proud, never haughty or selfish or rude. Love does not demand its own way. It is not irritable or touchy. It does not hold grudges and will hardly even notice when others do it wrong. It is never glad about injustice, but rejoices whenever truth wins out. If you love someone, you will be loyal to them no matter the cost. You will always believe in them, always expect the best of them, and always stand your ground in defending them.
How then, should we live? You see, “pro-life” spreads its arms wide to each and every human being who struggles: the unborn, unwed, unemployed, unhappy, unfulfilled and unremembered. I’m talking about God’s children being people who value people…period…because He does…in every shape, size, gender, age, profession and capacity.
We must continually grow in our commitment to compassionately express the love of Christ, lest no one object when “inconvenient pregnancies” become the “inconvenient elderly… handicapped…criminals… terminally ill…failing students.” Each of us is here because God placed us here, warts and all, that we might know Him, strengthen one another and be His conduits of redemption to our world. May we take our cues from Jesus Himself, who values all life...period!