Just what is this teaching? That as a communicator, our goal should always be (and I paraphrase here) to pick out just one idea (instead of the classic multiple good points), and drive it home with all the passion, originality, insight and humility we possess.
The benefits are pretty obvious: Easier to tell it and easier to remember it. As a pastor, I preach for life change, and anything I can do to help my listeners remember what God has taught us together makes it all that more likely that they'll actually practice what they've remembered.
I don't want to even attempt to lay the whole book out - nor should I (who knows what God might do for you if I make you read it? It's been great for me!). Establishing the setting for this blog was crucial, though, as I try to give you the one point.
As I continue to process the book, God has been asking me this one simple question. "Kirk," He says, "Do you believe that your life is a one point message?" WOW - didn't see that one coming! And it's really caused me to think. What would people say, especially those who have known me for a while, if asked what the one point is to my life? Would they have any idea? And if they did, would it be the "one point" I want it to be?
What I want the "one point message" (kind of a Statement of Purpose, I guess) of my life to be is this: To humbly love people as God loves me, extending the same grace I enjoy, in quality and quantity, so that they might grasp that "Life" isn't life without Jesus at the center of it.
A confession? I had to step aside for about 10 minutes to make sure the words above truly expressed my heart. A good exercise - especially if you've never done it before. What's the "one point message" of your life? If you're not sure...or maybe more importantly, don't know if others are sure...why not take a little time right now to change that? Then (whether you're a pastor or not) - Let's Get Preaching!
"Preach the Gospel at all times, and when necessary, use words."