Friday, October 23, 2009


I've been privileged over the years to sit under and learn alongside of some pretty amazing leaders - most recently at my last church in New York. Each of those respective leaders had their own style, philosophy, experiences and personalities that "flavored" their approach, but the lessons I've gleaned from them have been nearly universal - especially if you want to be successful at all.

One of the many great things about those lessons is that, while they've been applied most frequently at the "institutional" or "professional" level, each lesson has been much broader and deeper than that. One could almost argue (quite successfully, I believe) that each finds its truest fulfillment outside of those levels, for their deepest fulfillment is found in the areas that, without which, we truly founder.

One tool where visualization of principles is often enhanced is through the watching of video media (movies, cartoons, slides, PowerPoint, etc.). My last "great leader" was keenly aware of this, and frequently used such to make his points. I'll never forget watching a movie together with staff entitled, "Drumline," for from it, I took away these golden nuggets of leadership wisdom - broad & deep. (Note: There is some language in this film that, depending upon your personal convictions, might bother you a bit - just so you're aware before you go and rent it).

Here's the nuggets I was able to "pan" from this media "stream," along with my own interpretation of what each means:
  • One band must produce one sound (True Community = Unimaginable Power)
  • It's not always about doing what you love most (Responsibility = Some things you don't love need done)
  • You've got to learn to follow well before you can lead well (Growth = You can't push people anywhere - you must draw them forward)
  • You've got to love the sound of the band more than the sound of your own drum (Humility = Only take prominence when invited to)

As I mentioned before, I believe that these are most powerful when they transcend our "professional" roles and become models for us as spouses, parents, friends and co-workers. Not only will adherence to these benefit us professionally, they will benefit us at every level of our lives. Why? Because each is a biblical principle, and was long before this film was made! As such, they move from the realm of "good ideas" to the arena of "foundational truth" - tried and tested over the generations.

My challenge to you is to take just one of these and ask the Lord to help you live it. The ripple effects of this commitment will oscillate farther than you could ever imagine, and you ensure that a "Well Done!" is on the way from Christ Himself!